Culmination Celebration at Equatorial Monument Each Year
Another Wonderful Tourist Attraction in West Borneo

Government of the City of Pontianak always conduct celebration each year to commemorate the culmination sun. Just like what happend last year on 24 March 2008 at Tugu Equator Pontianak. This activity will show a variety of art and culture in the city of Pontianak. This activity is also a tourism promotion visit "Visit Indonesia Year 2008" and the Resurrection of National Century.
What is the most interesting happened last year regarding this No Shadow Ceremony of Culmination moments?. Yes at those times, one of the Chess Committees, represented by M. N Sinaga PN, and Hamzar coordinating a meeting in preparation culmination ceremony to conduct a final Chess competition brought the Indonesian male outstanding Chess player, GM Utut Adiyanto that will be faced with 20 young people from Junior National Solomon master.
Meanwhile, the government of West Borneo also prepared a very young and talented Chess player, Arif Rachman, students SDN 24 Pontianak South is also a student of School Chess "Bineka Chess School (BCS). " The match between world chess using IT technology from the Internet facility can be monitored directly through the Council (in focus) at the location of the match, Tugu Equator" said one of the committees.
Head Office of Tourism Information and Culture City of Pontianak, Drs. Sugeng Harjo Subandi through chairperson of Infomation and Computere science, Drs. Maladi Noor, MA said that the culmination celebration held on March 24, 2008 must be different impression of "luxury" because the monitor will directly by the public and the international community of Chess game in the Netherlands.
Meridian series of activities starting at 10:00 local times by showing various forms of art such as Regional, Qasidah, Malay dance, dance Dance Dayak and Chinese as well as launching the album Songs for the culmination Region while the sun (the sun's position is on a zero degree / without shade) fall at 11:55 local times a balloon release marked with the "Visit Indonesia Year 2008" by the Mayor of Pontianak.
Then proceed with the establishment of the Mayor Open Chess Championship Cup review and the exhibition stand. According to Mr Sinaga, one of Chess game participants who have enrolled to the committee-an estimated 300 people. (02/Mld)
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