Mother City: Pontianak
Area: 120,114.32 km
Population: 3,958,448 inhabitants
Number of village: 1445
Number of District: 136
Number of District: 10
(source: Kep. Mendagri No. 109 A Year 2003)
Video of West Kalimantan
West Kalimantan (Indonesian: Kalimantan Barat often abbreviated to Kalbar) is a province of Indonesia. It is one of four Indonesian provinces in Kalimantan, the Indonesian part of the island of Borneo. Its capital city Pontianak is located right on the Equator line.
The province has an area of 146,807 km² with the population of about 3.74 million people (As of 2000[update] census). Major ethnic groups include the Dayak, Malay, Chinese, which make up about 90% of the total population. The rest are Javanese, Bugis, Madurese, and other ethnicities.
The borders of West Kalimantan roughly trace the mountain ranges surrounding the watershed of the Kapuas River, which drains most of the province. West Kalimantan is subdivided into two urban cities (kota) and ten rural regencies (kabupaten). The cities are Pontianak and Singkawang; the regencies are Sambas, Bengkayang, Pontianak, Ketapang, Landak, Sanggau, Sekadau, Sintang, Melawi , Kapuas Hulu, and the youngest regencies Kayong Utara and Kubu Raya. About 29 percent of the population lives in the Pontianak area.
There was a serious outbreak of communal violence in the province between indigenous Dayak and Madurese settlers in late 1997 and early 2000, resulting in about 500 deaths. [1] [2]
The history of West Kalimantan can be dated back to 17th century. Dayaks was the main inhabitants of the province before 17th century. The Malay migrated to West Kalimantan and built their own sultanates. The facts that there are many Chinese population in this province was there used to be a republic built by Chinese miners called Lanfang Republic after defeated the local Malay sultans. The government of Lanfang Republic was ended in West Kalimantan after the Dutch occupation in 1884.
West Kalimantan was under Japanese occupation from 1942 to 1945, when Indonesia declared its Independence. During the Japanese occupation, more than 21,000 people in Pontianak (including sultans, nobleman, women and children) were kidnapped, tortured and massacred by Japanese troops. Japanese intelligence had become concerned ethnic Chinese were planning to start a rebellion, and were worried that people in the city had received guns and ammunition from the Chinese government.
After the end of war, the Japanese officers in Pontianak were arrested by allied troops and brought in front of an international military tribune. During the trial, it was revealed that the plan to start the rebellion did not exist and instead was only an imaginary plan created by Japanese officers who wanted to get promoted.
The massacre occurred from April 23, 1943 to June 28, 1944 and most of the victims were buried in several giant wells in Mandor (88 km from Pontianak). Allied forces occupying the area after the war found several thousand bones, and more than 60 years after the massacre, several secret graves of the victims were found in Mandor and the surrounding areas.
A monument called Makam Juang Mandor was created to commemorate this tragic event. West Kalimantan was the site of substantial fighting during the Indonesia-Malaysia confrontation under the Sukarno government in the mid-1960s. After Suharto deposed Sukarno in 1965, the confrontation was quickly resolved. Domestic conflict continued, however, for another ten years between the new military Suharto government and fighters organized during the confrontation and backed by the banned Indonesian Communist Party (PKI). So let's find out yourself about West Borneo
Indonesia is wonderful city in the world. I would like to thank you for all information you have listed here, and I am sure 100 percent that many visitors from all over the world will come and visit Indonesia for business and travel. You always welcome to come Indonesia, and spend your days in Indonesia. A great country
I just want to tell everyone in the world to come and visit West Borneo now. You can get almost everything you need to know all about the island. Many pure and virgin forests are available to you to discover.
Dayak people and malay tribe join together in harmony and peace. There will be no more beautiful island in this world beside visiting to West Borneo. If you want to know the real jungle you cannot imagine, West Borneo is the right answer for you
Hellow. My name is Supasmadi, and I am from Mojokerto in Java Island. I have many friends there in Pontianak, the capital city of West Borneo. They often send me more mails and telling me some stories about traditional cakes and food from Pontianak.
Do you think it will be possible, someday perhaps, to put some traditional cakes and food of your Pontianak in this blog?. I think it will be useful and good for everyone to know all about West Kalimantan through its culinary.
Let me hear from you
I cannot wait much longer to watch "Matahari berkulminasi" or Culmination ceremony held in around Equator Monument in September this year. It was on September, am I right?. This is really unique from GOD that gave to Pontianak, the land of equatorial crossing.
Could you tell me is there any road or way of traveling to West Kalimantan from central of West Kalimantan?. I think there is no way of local road or simple route for doing this.
Please reply ASAP
Local newspaper in Indonesia often retell some stories about West Kalimantan in general. Many good videos about the islan also be found in any bookstores in Jakarta.
I think I am lucky to find this web blog, however the contents are still under construction, I think the author of this blog is now working very hard to cope with his responsibility to visitors of this blog and also his own goal to provide information about West Kalimantan for the world to see.
Keep on updating. I can wait
What? Pontianak?.
No wonder I think. My younger brother has been in Pontianak over seventeen years there. I think my brother is familiar with all those things in West Kalimantan. I myself never been to this big big Island. It was really big one?. Yes of course. Compare with Javanese, the island of West Kalimantan is three times bigger than ours.
I would love to visit Pontianak in general, and in particular I hope, my brother will invite me to come there someday.
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