Baning Forest in Sintang. Photo Courtesy wisata kalbar
Baning forest, the original forest that is located in the middle of Sintang. Width ± 215 ha, is a tropical forest with covered by many colorful and wonderful flowers, many kinds of orchids, trees and a variety kinds of bags Semar. This forest is still intact including. Forest is rich with various flora, such as:
a. Semar flowers bag
b. Various jenias Anggrek Forest
And fauna, such as:
a. Triton
b. Many kinds of birds
Leisure fresh air under the leaves which blowing fresh air will certainly be obtained by simply walking out of the capital district. Baning Forest Tourism is one of the Tropical Forests of pride to be a District Sintang. This makes the forest baning Sintang District as one of the districts that have a tropical forest in the middle of the city. Unfortunately, in those 315 hectares of broad set by the Ministry of Forestry, now the number is reducing and only about 200 hekta below, this is because the fire or land clearing activity committed by local people to open the forest is increasing rapidly almost happens every season.
How to reach:
Name of the object: Forest Tour Baning
Be accessed from: the middle of the city Sintang
Vehicle: Public Vehicle
Facilities: wood bridge split of forest area
Description: - can be reached from any direction - 80 km from Sintang
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