Entuyut Attracts The Attention to Mrs. Ani Yudhoyono
West Borneo got General Winner of Food Exhibition at the Jakarta Convention Center
For unknown number of times, PKK Kalbar back wonderful got achievement at the national level. The Achievement is not only become the responsibility of a remarkably predicate Champion First Race Specific Cooking Food in the prestigious event is the exhibition titled 'Food Nusa III' in Hall B Jakarta Convention Center (JCC) held last 6th to 9th of August.

The Menu that is presented from the PKK of West Kalimantan, which represents District Landak Kalbar PKK seems to be wonderful things which attract many visitors. Until the host-renowned culinary tour, Bondan Winarno, who also participated as one of the judges shows of his thumbs by saying " maknyos" when he feels and taste the food made of the PKK team member. Cuisine menu that is served very thick with the feel of the typical Kalbar called entuyut , which is known as bag Semar, "pepes" filled bamboo sprout, and red rice in rice fields typical Kalbar, pumpkin mushroom soup filled palm oil, Sepang drink fresh water and fresh raw materials, and no residual "umbut oseng" coconut and green fern-oseng. In addition, the District of PKK PKK Landak representing Kalbar in this competition to complete the meal with a cake tray "keribang" that covered by Ebi shrimp and srikaya pumpkin.
All presented in a whole pumpkin carving patterns with typical West Kalimantan Dayak. Not only that, the typical cuisine Kalbar also successfully attract the sympathy from Mrs. Ani Bambang Yudhoyono which stated and witness them as Kalbar typical dish of food. Mrs. Ani Yudhoyono is pleased to stay there at West Kalimantan place, an dCornelis Mother Frederika, the chairman of the PKK Kalbar proud it smile.
In fact not only that Mrs. Ani Yudhoyono stuck or Bondan 'Maknyos' Winarno, renowned nutrition expert classmates Tuty Sunarya, Erna Wirakusuma, to Willy Wongso to provide value to the contingent Kalbar 2795. Rating is based on the unique and creativity in combining the materials of the food that are natural raw materials into dishes that really original. Mrs Frederika Cornelis confirms that West Kalimantan presents its local material Showcase pure that we all, so in addition to the meal, and the regional of West Kalimantan are good, but they use a lot of raw materials from outside. This is a race nusantara cuisine, so originality is the foundation to provide the assessment panel. We excel in this side. "
Consequently the value of 2795 was put into Kalbar wholesaler highest score, in the category of food, beverages and, thus reaching the top general. For haunt food category is Province of West Nusa Tenggara has to become the runner up, with a value of 2775. Meanwhile, third place was taken by Jambi,but as the champion lost in the beverage category with a score of West Kalimantan, the Public be champion by PKK Kalbar.
Cornelis Mother Frederika as the head of the entourage that happy with the achievements that have been achieve. The telling, in general, this achievement is the achievement by the Society achieve Kalbar that should be celebrated. She hopes the exhibition event such as this can promote products superior of West Kalimantan, to be more known by the public, both at the national and international in the world, including the tourists both local and foreign.
With the superior products, West Kalimantan can be expected to penetrate the global market. "Because if it occurs, can automatically increase the family income, especially in the community, and increase the speed of economic growth in general, West Kalimantan," he said. In the Food Exhibition Nusa III, the PKK Kalbar also show the excellent variety of products such as porridge, spicy, various lapis legit, fried bananas, bingka, crackers amplang, food and drinks made from aloe vera (aloevera). The success of the Kalbar be contingent on the exhibition, this event is a success of the third.
Earlier in 2005 in Bali, West Kalimantan snatch 2nd Winner of fish contains food competitions there. Meanwhile, in 2008, the West Kalimantan also successfully snatch Champion of number one. This year 2009 as well as becoming General Winner which got a prize at the sume of 10 million rupiahs. The hand over the prize has been taking place before the closing ceremony of the Food Festival at the Jakarta Convention Center (JCC). (From PR Pemprov Kalbar)
Congratulations to all Team Of PKK of West Kalimantan as General Winner of the food festival held at the Jakarta Convention Center.
We are proud of you
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