Ceramic in Singkawang : Sakok
Ceramic everyone?. We can start from a name of Sakok village, 2 km from the town of Singkawang, is one of the locations where the ceramic industry still practice traditional techniques. Furnace is called the traditional ceramic stove shaped like a dragon because the dragon. First ceramics factory in West Kalimantan was founded in 1895.
According to research by experts, the making of ceramics is traditionally one of the remaining in Southeast Asia, in addition to those found in the Philippines.
In addition to producing various new ceramic creations, ceramics producers also create duplicate Singkawang various designs from the era of ceramic Ming empire.
Motives ceramics:
* Crock with dragon motif
* Crock with the motif of the god and inheritance
* Crock with flower motif and barongsai
* Crock other
* Pool table and seating
Travel further description can be obtained by contacting:
Sinar Terang ceramics Singkawang
Jl. Padang Pasir 53 Sedau Singkawang
Tel. (0562) 632419 635150
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