Kelam Hill. Photo courtesy of Wisata Melayu
Another place of Catholic spiritual tourism can be found in the ground water. Location new spiritual tourism is located in Regency Sintang beetle, West Kalimantan. In addition to having facilities liturgy, Hill also has a dark beautiful natural scenery which is very convenient place to clean the liver. The location spiritual tourism in the Hill District Sintang beetle, West Kalimantan this year, built since 2006. In the area of this Hill tour this dark cave where reside holy Mother Mary statue and various facilities liturgy.
Even the location of Hill dark tourism has a very natural beautiful and suitable for contemplation. Meanwhile, the Regional Government with the hope of the opening of the Hill area of spiritual tourism beetle is able to increase income areas with the aim of tourists that come to the dark hill. This tours Hill dedication dark as the location of Catholic spiritual tourism marked with caves of the cleaning of Mary statue. Ritual is led by the Ambassador of Fatikan to , Leo Poldo Giweli.
"Building this cave Maria are very unique and is a self-help all the people who are Catholic District Sintang around, but also support from many areas in Indonesia," said Chairman of the Committee, Drs. A Mikael Abeng.MM. Fortunately in the framework of celebration and dedication as blessing spiritual Hill area of dark tourism is also colourful participation of Kia AFI which is singing some spiritual songs. The Regions of that dark hill offers a spiritual tour which is open to public. In addition to those who want get soft and calm situation for worship of spiritual tourism, the location of dark tourism Hill also suitable for people who love the natural environment with hills and cool camping.
(Courtesy of Andi Wardayanto, Indosiar)
Hi again Webmaster.
Well, Bukit dark or Kelam Hill as an object with a scene that is very exotic and unique, has now built a variety of tourism facilities, ranging from infrastructure such as roads and terminal stage of entertainment and people.
I will visit this hill in the near future, and I hope I can meet you there. See you
In the area of dark tourism Hill also built a swimming pool already. But until now the swimming pool is not enabled, because it is still in the stage of development.
Similarly with the Tennis field and other facilities, start gradually enabled. I hope the local guide can be provided free of charge by Sintang officials for this tourism object will be more interesting for visitors
According to Regent Sintang, Semar bag that grows inside the Hill this several years ago had taken the researchers, both in and outside the country. However, at this time, is prohibited.
None of those who can bring the richness of nature dark hill are out, even though for picking taken by personal collection only
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