Trekking The Mountain Kelam
The nature reserves Baning and Kelam Hill are located in the Sintang Regency. While in Kapuas Hulu, there is the Bentuang. The Dayak people in the Kelam district of West Kalimantan, still live traditional in their longhouse which lies is in the shadows of Dark Mountain, an eerie, mystical mass of rock deep in the magnificent rainforests of Kalimantan, There are many stories told about the Kelam mountain and the spirits which inhabit the steep forests that cling to its base. In the past, the Dayak tribes would pray to these trees and to the birds that lived in them. Every part of this remote wilderness was sacred, protected for centuries from Malay traders and Dutch and British colonisers by the impenetrable jungle and the ferocious Dayak headhunters.
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