Inter-Cultural Community of Land Ajong Black Paloh
Become a ritual to become Ajang Cultural Tourism Campaign of Sambas Regency
Sambas district not only has an interesting panorama of nature, but the area that is located north of West Kalimantan with the majority of the population is Malay, also has a number of the quite interesting culture. Especially for those who like cultural wizard. One of them is the Inter Ajong, which conducted around in Paloh, namely in the Tanah Hitam or black land. ANTAR AJONG is a traditional ritual ceremony to plant rice that were held each year during the farming plant. Trust of the local community, the event can make rice plants protected from the attack of pests and diseases. So therefore, harvest abundant prosperity to the community compatriot.
Due to the planting time, then the implementation of Ajong ceremony is usually conducted in the middle time of each year, around June or July. The plan future activities schedule akan dirutinkan together with other tourist activities in the Sambas regency said SH Serly Narulitas SIP, Chairperson of Tourism Promotion Office Budparpora Sambas regency. The ritual of traditional culture Ajong begins with the preparation of making the boat Ajong headed by by local indigenous leaders. Time that is two days before graduation H. Ajong made boat-like vessels in the form of a screen with a mini palkan bedroom and deck boats similar to the original ship. Usually the size of the boat varies with the width 20 cm - 40 cm long and 1.5 m - 4 m. Cloth screen that is made as often appear in various colors but is dominated by white and yellow. Agencies are given a free paint color variations with the typical image carving Sambas.
In the night of the event was held to call the evil spirit or besiak. The procession is starting by the way blandish sing with Mayang pinang, which will be collected to be sent away from the village through the media boat ajong. Early mini boat containing various stores, among other custom cakes, sticky rice Ketupat, bowsprit, thunder white and red, lower rutteh, complete with rice and sticky rice, yellow rice. In addition, in Ajong mini dolls have also shaped the human and livestock (chickens, birds). Kitchen to cook a well-mini is also available. Kitchen spices (turmeric, Serai), rice and rice branches with a bag packed in a mini, seeds pinang, pekeras custom drawing and white yarn.
The withdrawal of ships would sail away, ajong also equipped with sleeping equipment (mats and pillows), seven handheld (kappal) rice variety in 7 colors, equipment, and agricultural trade (hoe, saw and others).Once everything is ready, it's time to leave. On the day of deliverance H ajong boat, the same morning, each family was touched by water that has been prominent in the traditional incantation (bepapas). "The goal of traditional rituals in order to deny the troops the troops protected from accident and disease said Serli. Water is also used to dampen the seed that grows lush.
By the time ajong for release to the sea, was also happening when the wait-awaited community and visitors who pack the beach of black land. Once is moving to the west, all people will go near the coast to the mouth. Each look forward to see whether the boat is prepared ajong smooth journey through the oceans. Along with the wind blowing toward the land to the sea which is quite fast, then and also the boat without a mini-screen of a full-bekala this coast to the sea.
Cheer people of formations that accompany ajong continue sailing until no longer visible from the naked eye beam that anyone standing on the fringe of the beach. After Ajong, the prohibition also applies Disallow (be sam sam). In the night a day after the boat ajong removed, members of the village should not be slaughtered any animal (blood). Risk avoidance when Disallow customs are, that is making 100-Ketupat should not be less than the then travelled to the high seas. "Starting this year we become inter ajong in the form of festivals. Each race may make the ajong ceremony will be more interesting which cold support Tourism Promotion of Sambas regency.
The attraction of Ajong in Sambas is also very interesting to see. The tradition of Sambas cultural diversity can be colorful with good hand of local government of Sambas regency. The development of Sambas cultural heritage should be taking care of by all people whose awareness can be very wonderful. How could you describe this ritual and cultural celebration next time?
Well. Ajong here very close to local attraction administered by local government of Medan and also could happen to other regencies through out Indonesia. One spirit that might not never change is a willing of Sambas people themselves to preserve their noble and valuable cultural tradition as well moving forward to a modern ceremony as happen these days.
Thanks for posting this time
Wow Sambas has many interesting cultural attractions just like Ajong and Sampan race. This area of cultural attractions can be very interesting if you can combine with good preparations and coordinations with other communities to succeed visit Kalbar in the year of 2010.
I have a suggestion for the webmaster of this blog. Please provide some comments from local officials or also decision makers of Government of Sambas about this ceremony. I am sure of this will make this posting will be more formal and complete information. Thank you very much
I cannot wait much longer to visit Pontianak to meet my elder brother there. This event is also interesting and I hope my brother there will be interested in taking me there to those special tourist attraction. This could be one of my dreams come true if I can visit Pontianak in the near future. Do you have any special events of others regarding to this Ajong festival? Thank You
My elder sister now lived in Pontianak since three years ago, already got married and had one son. They always tell me all about Pontianak city and its beautiful and romantic views of historical remains and tourist attractions as well.
I would love to visit Pontianak in person, and I will be more than happy if you would so kindly put some information instead of inserting some photos of West Kalimantan again in this blog. Thank you and I am looking forward to it
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