*** Visit Kalbar 2010
West Kalimantan Government ready to assist Ketapang Regency to succeedTourism
The official government through Culture and Tourism Department is working very hard to cope with their responsibility to prepare all provinces in West Kalimantan to be ready to welcome and succeed the year of Visiting to West Kalimantan by 2010, the upcoming year of tourism. The govermental sector of province will always support each district , regency, and cities of West Kalimantan to maintan, create and develop their nominate tourism attractions, objects and sectors in those each regions. Just like what happened inthe District Ketapang whose development are ready to set up and become a major tourism destination.
In addition, the goverment of West Kalimantan always get very serious in taking care of all tourism problems and matters especially when promoting West Kalimantan for the world to see. We hope that many visitors from all across the world will visit West Kalimantan as much as they can. The government of West Kalimantan will do everything to support the development of tourism attatractions and objets conducted by all local cities and regencies all across West Kalimantan in the field of technical assistance , financial and bilateral cooperation to work together to succeed the year of 2010.
Many wonderful developments supported by the government of West Kalimantan to support the year of visiting to West Kalimantan 2010 such as supporting the development of the tourism infrastructure that support and facilities in the tourism. According to the head of West Kalimantan Tourism Department, Mr Kamaruzzaman, confirms that the province of West Kalimantan is one of the top 15 wonderful places to be visited and recommended as tourist destinations for all people. The regency of Ketapang themselves already prepared prepare some of historical development, culture and religion which were packed in a complete and up-to-date tour to commemorate Kalbar 2010. Those package of tours are located in Kelurahan Mulia Kerta now known as the village tour.
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