There are lots of tourist objects that you can find in Sekadau, West Kalimantan. Please find the following list here.

Batu Bertulis. Photo Courtesy Suherman Blog
Stone that said the Tourism Attraction Tourism, which is one of the relics of the Hindu kingdom in the ground water. Stone that said this is contained in Tekaret river Mahap tributaries, the river approximately 30 M near Kampong Ko Nanga Sub Mahap Sekadau District. High stone left 2 M. The right of 3.90 M. Width 5.10 M. This stone by a team of experts from Jakarta, estimates there are stones in the 650 since the 7th century AD. Up to now the meaning, and meaning of writings contained in these rocks can not be translated.

Riam Segiam. Photo Courtesy Suherman Blog
Segiam Riam location can be done using two-wheeled vehicles and the path of the river, which is located in the waters of the river Sekadau 25 Km from the capital city Sekadau District, 5 km from syrup (Sekadau Upper)Location if calculated from Nanga Mahap District approximately 52 km and is very well suited for sporting activities rafting, these objects have quite hard water flow especially the dry season.

Tengkorak. Photo Courtesy Suherman Blog
This man is skeleton relic Punan Dayak tribe, located in Hamlet Botong toast Sambang River Village, Sub Sekadau Hulu (syrup) approximately 27 Km from the capital city of Sekadau District. Narrated in former times, consistent every indigenous tribe to maintain strong enough tradition, and variety application in accordance with local circumstances or the tribe concerned, especially the term ngayau at that time was very popular.
This was done not only to defend his territory, a strong indigenous systems and also to be binding as a sign of man's prowess in the eyes of a woman who is marked with a human head as proof.

Air Panas. Photo Courtesy Suherman Blog
In the Central District of Upper BELITANG Sepuak, precisely in the village bad. Apparently save tourism asset invaluable, the Geothermal Water Source. This water flows its hazel smoke and all time from the earth until now.
Hot water is high enough so it can be used to boil an egg if we rendamkan in it some time.It is said that the story according to local belief, if we bath in there, the water can cure various skin diseases, this object is amazing. Mileage between Village Hall and bad Sepuak approximately 10 km. This distance is within a two-wheeled vehicles to the bad village, then walk just 45 minutes came to the Hot Springs location.

Long House. Photo Courtesy Suherman Blog
Approximately 15 km from the Central District Sepuak Upper BELITANG Sekadau District, there is a long house which is located in the village Sanke river hamlet of Upper enthusiasm.
Building this Mualang tribal motifs, very fun and interesting to be listened to in detail, the meaning behind the symbols, patterns, accessories and unique buildings that towered over the house has a pillar height of several feet above the ground, this is a heritage building only in District BELITANG upstream.

Makam Paha Demang Kunin.Photo Courtesy Suherman Blog
This tomb is located between the village of Lawang Siti and Sekadau Seladan in the river, if you use two-wheeled vehicles can pass through Sintang Road Km 4 entry to the site about two Km.
It's no stranger to some people whose names Sekadau "TOMB THIGH DEMANG KUNIN" according to a story that we gather from the elders / elders who can be trusted. That the tomb was hundreds of years old stone only normal, after a dream inspired by some people, it was a grave Kamonink. This cemetery Thigh Inik the 3 feet in length. To preserve the historical evidence, then approximately 15 years ago was renovated again by the villagers of Mungguk "Hasan Dego" using cement.
In ancient times, the tomb was frequently visited by people who have a particular purpose, and not a little odd findings / funny as the personal stories of people who, when passing this tomb at night, especially through the path of the river, because it's not far from the shore of the river Sekadau.

Entugun Waterfall. Photo Courtesy Suherman Blog
Entugun Waterfall IS located in the hamlet village of Copper Sub KEPAYANG Mahap Nanga Sekadau District, waterfall area bordering Ketapang has three levels. Each level there are approximately 30 meters.
The water was swift and winding stone forge mutually lay between one another. High mountain steep wooded with running back and the waterfall make its thunder voice which we can not express in words spoken. Water flows is fresh air alternating cold and feels cool to our bones.
Wonders of nature charm of this one is very interesting, this also is one of the regions tourism assets that are necessary attention by the local government to be preserved authenticity. From the capital district approximately 45 km, can be done using the land route with four-wheel drive and two-wheeler.
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