Here are some outstanding and wonderful hotels that you can enjoy while you are in Pontianak, West Kalimantan.
Hotel Mahkota Pontianak
Address :
Jl. Sidas No. 8 Pontianak-Kalimantan Barat, Indonesia
Phone : (0561) 736022
Fax : (0561) 736200.
Email : grandmahkotapontianak@grandmahkotahotel.com
Website : Hotel Mahkota Pontianak
Hotel Garuda Pontianak
Address :
Jl. Pahlawan No.40 Pontianak 78122
Tel : +62-561-736890
Fax : +62-561-739001
E-mail : reservation@garudahotelptk.com
Website : Hotel Garuda Pontianak
Hotel Kini Pontianak
Address : Jl.Nusa Indah III- Kompleks Nusa Indah Pontianak
Kalimantan Barat Indonesia
Website : Hotel Kini Pontianak
I visited Pontianak about three months ago, and stayed in one of the most exciting and wonderful hotels in Pontianak. The food is fine, and I would love to visit Pontianak again in the near futur
Since I came here in the year of 2005, I will never know about Pontianak before, and I must express my gratitude for my lovely husband whose contributions are very valuable for me introducing the city of Pontianak, a city of thousand smiles for me. However the weather is quite hot, almost the same as the place I was belong in Jogjakarta, but I can manage my free time to walk through the city of Pontianak whenever I got my free times ready.
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