Sambas Palace is now, was built by Sultan Muhammad Ibrahim Mulia in the year 1933, and have been resided at 6 July 1935. Sambas Palace development cost of 65. Golden, from the Sultan of Kutai. The establishment of the building supported by financial assistance of other company. The development held purveyor Tjin Nyuk from Pontianak. With a building measuring 9.50 meters long and 8.05 meters wide size.
Ride to the mainland along the river, there is a way of entering the Palace. Before we will go through a gate, the entrance to the Palace of the page called gate octahedron. The entrance gate, octagonal away from the river bank for about 30 meters.
And enshrined with the new monument "In this place on 27 October 1945 has killed a freedom fighter who wants to raise our national flag, the red and white. Besides the left entrance, not far from the flag pole there is a white wood tree, to remember the events of war Sungkung completed in the year 1883. Planted on the sultan and The David and Pangima Bakr.
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