The Magnificent historic and has a symbolic meaning is Syafiuddin Sultan Muhammad II and the Sultan who ruled the Kingdom of Sambas. number of pole in the middle bagaian Mosque Jami 'of the eight founders meant the stem is to the Sultan or Sultan-8-14 to the Kingdom of the Sultanate of Sambas.
Mesjid three roof. Pendopo is an entrance porch located on the north. The first capital of the mosque comes from the family dwelling house Sultan Umar III Akamuddin Village Tanjung Rengas Now after 100 years , age Jami Mosque 'Sambas still standing because of a luxurious community maintenance committees.
This two-floor mosque, inside a circle of artistic wood purchase. a pulpit preaching this small there is room in the front of the mosque. Bedug first, there is a large mosque in prayer as a means of notification. After the use of loudspeakers for the azan and the mosque, then bedug no longer used. Antique pulpit preacher for the sermon of a red wood carving comes from the golden Palembang say, are the seamen and traders to the Sultan.
Inside the mosque there is also a gig or from large ceramic vessels, in the back corner of the mosque. Formerly used to hold water for wuduk. Reputedly ancient gig is a gift from the Sultan of Brunei to the Sultan Muhyiddin Sultan Muhammad Tajuddin when I went to Brunei and the Sultan appointed as Anom. On the outside top of the mosque migrab board depends on a paragraph written holy Al-Qur'an that says "Innama yagmuru masajidillahu man ammana billah wal yaumil end."
Only those who memakmurkan mosque is God's people who believe in Allah and the end of the end of the day.
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