Makam Sultan Muhammad II Syafiuddin complex tomb has cungkup a very large built in 1904 (large cemetery) dibangu pillar of the former palace Tanjung village withered.
First burried consort of the Sultan. In Cungkup there is a grave-grave family sultan of the tomb 44, is still a lot of the surrounding graves - graves of, among others: Ibunda Sultan tomb of Queen Sabar, Ir.Sucitro a concrete bridge built in 1939 Sambas. and the Bupati Sambas-11 to Drs. Saidi A.S. Cungkup burying large size of this 20 meters long and 17.5 meters wide. Inside there is a special cungkup Sultan and Permaisurinya size 9.5 meters long and 7.5 meters wide.
Makam Sultan Abu Bakar
Makam Sultan Abubakar Tajuddin II complex there are two graves of the cemetery with the graves of Sultan own wife. Built in 1883. And restored in 1985 by Prop Depdikbud. Kalbar
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